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When exactly will you start?


We have been hearing this question again and again lately. And that's not so easy to answer, because actually we're already in the middle of it. At least preparations already startet:

Clean out the basement and attic, apply for passports, advertise pur house for rent, pack boxes, plan meetings, coordinate craftsmen Ford House Renovation, write blog, ... There are always a few little things to do. In July, our old kitchen will already be Rippen oft and we will move out of pur House for a week because the electricians are coming. In mid-September our official preparation time begins and we first go to Bad Honnef to learn Luganda and also attend some other workshops. December we will pack our bags and move to Kampala.


About us

We, that is Christine, Andreas and our two children. We are moving to Kampala, Uganda for three years. This blog gives insights into our life, our work and our travels.

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